To indicate Oracle's operating system authentication, use 'UID=/;'. The optimal buffer size for fetching columns. The driver optimizes fetching so that one fetch from the Oracle Server returns enough rows to fill a buffer of this size. Larger values tend to increase performance if you fetch a lot of data. Buffer Size specifies the size, in bytes, allocated to receive fetched data. The driver optimizes fetching so that one fetch from the Oracle Server returns enough rows to fill a buffer of the specified size. Larger values tend to increase performance when fetching a lot of data. Improve the performance of the ODBC connection by increasing the FETCH BUFFER SIZE of the ORACLE-ODBC-driver to 20 000 000 Bytes or more (from 64 000 bytes). Kind regards, Herbert. Oracle ODBC drivers, Fetch Buffer Size = 64000. Try setting the 'Prefetch Count' in the Oracle ODBC driver configuration to a higher number such as 100 or even higher. The default is 10. This can make a big difference when reading a lot of records. Wolfram Roesler.
-->Instead of a dialog box, some applications might require a connection string that specifies, using particular attributes, how a driver connects to a data source. Each attribute identifies specific information that the driver needs to make a successful connection. The connection string format is always as follows:
In JDBC parlance the fetch size is the number of rows physically retrieved from the database at one time by the JDBC driver as you scroll through a query ResultSet with next. With hibernate.jdbc.fetchsize a non-zero value determines the JDBC fetch size, which in turn calls java.sql.Statement.setFetchSize.
The Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle also supports the CONNECTSTRING argument from the first version (1.x) of the driver.
You must specify the data source name if you do not specify the UID, PWD, SERVER (or CONNECTSTRING), and DRIVER attributes. However, all other attributes are optional. When an attribute is unspecified, the attribute specified in the DSN tab of the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box is the default.
The connection string attributes are described in the following table:
Attribute | Description | Default value |
DSN | The data source name, listed in the User DSN or System DSN tab of the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box. | ' |
PWD | The password for the Oracle Server you want to access. This driver supports the Oracle limit of 30 characters and has the same limitations as Oracle places on passwords. | ' |
SERVER | The string for the Oracle Server you want to access. This string can be an Oracle database alias, an entry in the Tnsnames.ora file, or an alias that will be mapped to the correct server using Oracle Names Server. A database alias can be set up using Oracle's SQL*Net Fast Configuration (or Net8 Easy Configuration for Oracle8 databases). For more information about connecting to an Oracle database, see your Oracle documentation. | ' |
UID | The Oracle Server user name. This attribute might not be optional—certain databases and tables might require this attribute for security purposes. To indicate Oracle's operating system authentication, use 'UID=/;'. | ' |
BUFFERSIZE | The optimal buffer size for fetching columns. The driver optimizes fetching so that one fetch from the Oracle Server returns enough rows to fill a buffer of this size. Larger values tend to increase performance if you fetch a lot of data. | 65535 |
SYNONYMCOLUMNS | When this value is true (1), a SQLColumns API call returns column information for Tables, Views, and Synonyms. Otherwise, SQLColumns returns only columns for Tables and Views. For faster performance, do not set this value. | 1 |
REMARKS | When this value is true (1), the driver returns Remarks columns for the SQLColumns result set. For faster performance, do not set this value. | 0 |
StdDayOfWeek | Enforces the ODBC standard for the DAYOFWEEK scalar. This is the default value; users needing the localized version can change the behavior to use whatever Oracle returns. | 1 |
The following connection string connects to the Employees data source by using the Oracle Server and the Oracle User cindy:
The following connection string connects to the Payroll data source by using Oracle's operating system authentication and the Oracle Server moola:
Simba Oracle ODBC Driver Release Notes
The release notes provide details of enhancements, features, and known issuesin Simba Oracle ODBC Driver 1.2.9, as well as the version history.
Released 2019-02-08
![Oracle Odbc Driver Configuration Fetch Buffer Size Oracle Odbc Driver Configuration Fetch Buffer Size](
Enhancements & New Features
[ORCL-464] Disable automatic IPD population
You can now stop the driver from automatically populating the fields ofthe Implementation Parameter Descriptor (IPD). To do this, enable the newDisable Default Auto IPD (or DisableDefaultAutoIPD) property. For moreinformation, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
Resolved IssuesThe following issue has been resolved in Simba Oracle ODBC Driver 1.2.9.
- [ORCL-438] The driver cannot insert more than 1056 rows into an Oracledata store.
Known IssuesThe following are known issues that you may encounter due to limitations inthe data source, the driver, or an application.
![Driver Driver](
- When converting extremely large values to SQL_FLOAT(9.99999999999999e+125 or greater) the driver might stop responding.
Workflow Changes
The following changes may disrupt workflows from earlier versions.
1.2.7 ————————————————————————
32-bit applications no longer supported on macOS
Beginning with this release, the driver uses Oracle Instant Client 12.2instead of 12.1. Due to platform support differences in the Oracle InstantClient, the macOS version of the driver no longer supports 32-bitapplications.
Oracle Instant Client upgrade
Beginning with this release, the driver requires Oracle Instant Client 12.2instead of 12.1. If you installed Oracle Instant Client and the driverthrough separate installation processes, then the Oracle Instant Clientdoes not get updated automatically and the driver may not work as expected.
To resolve this, make sure to upgrade your installation of Oracle InstantClient. For instructions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
Version History
1.2.8 ————————————————————————
Released 2018-12-21
Enhancements & New Features
[ORCL-413] Kerberos authentication
You can now authenticate your connection using the Kerberos protocol. To dothis, enable the new Use External Credentials (or UseExternalCredentials)property. The driver then authenticates the connection using the Kerberossettings configured in your sqlnet.ora configuration file. For moreinformation, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
[ORCL-416] TCPS protocol
1995 suzuki king quad 300. You can now configure the driver to use the TCPS protocol, which enablesyou to encrypt your connections using SSL/TLS when connecting over TCP/IP.To do this, enable the new Use TCPS (or UseTCPS) property. The driver thenencrypts the connection using the SSL settings configured in yoursqlnet.ora configuration file. For more information, see the Installationand Configuration Guide.
[ORCL-435] Updated workflow for TNS connections
When you connect using a connection string or from a non-Windows machine,the TNS Name (or TNS) property now takes precedence over the Host, Port,and Service Name properties (Host, Port, and SVC, respectively).
1.2.7 ————————————————————————
Released 2018-10-12
![Odbc configuration tool Odbc configuration tool](
Enhancements & New Features
[ORCL-308] Upgrade to Oracle Instant Client 12.2
The driver now uses version 12.2 of the Oracle Instant Client as adependency. Previously, the driver used version 12.1.
IMPORTANT:- Due to platform support differences in the Oracle Instant Client, themacOS version of the driver no longer supports 32-bit applications.
- If you installed Oracle Instant Client and the driver through separateinstallation processes, then make sure to manually upgrade Oracle InstantClient to version 12.2. For instructions, see the Installation andConfiguration Guide.
Resolved IssuesThe following issue was resolved in Simba Oracle ODBC Driver 1.2.7.
[ORCL-433] The TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type is not supported.
This issue has been resolved. The driver is now able to work with theTIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type from Oracle databases, mapping it tothe SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP data type.
1.2.6 ————————————————————————
Released 2018-09-12
Resolved IssuesThe following issues were resolved in Simba Oracle ODBC Driver 1.2.6.
[ORCL-259] Error messages produced by the driver are not formattedcorrectly.
[ORCL-427] In some cases the driver returns NULL values when reading largeamounts of rows. Khmer unicode fonts for mac.
1.2.5 ————————————————————————
Released 2018-07-18
Enhancements & New Features
[ORCL-381] Error messages enhanced
When you enter an invalid character or a value outside the acceptablerange for “Statement Cache Size” or “Fetch Buffer Size” in the DSN setup,
the driver now displays an error message that includes more informationabout the values that you entered.
[ORCL-348] Updated encryption method for driver on Windows
The driver now uses the DPAPI encryption method to make sure that thecredentials can only be used by the current user (for User DSNs) or usedby all users on the same machine (for System DSNs). The registry contentscannot be used to create the same user DSN or system DSN on anothercomputer. Also, the user DSN registry contents cannot be used to createa system DSN on the same computer.
1.2.4 ————————————————————————
Released 2018-06-05
Enhancements & New Features
[ORCL-375] Updated log file name
The log file that the driver generates when logging is enabled has beenrenamed from oracle_driver.log to simbaoracleodbcdriver.log.
[ORCL-353] Internal Driver Improvements
The driver has been updated with internal security improvements.
Resolved IssuesThe following issues were resolved in Simba Oracle ODBC Driver 1.2.4.
[ORCL-366] Driver displays an incorrect alert for data source namevalidation.
This issue has been resolved. When adding a DSN through the ODBCAdministrator, if you enter invalid characters in the Data Source Namefield, the driver now displays an alert with the correct message andprevents you from using invalid characters.
[ORCL-362] Driver incorrectly handles SQL queries having argumentof zero length.
This issue has been resolved. When a SQL query with an argument lengthequal to zero is run, the driver now responds with the correct errormessage such as “Invalid string or buffer length”.
1.2.3 ————————————————————————
Released 2018-04-25
Enhancements & New Features
Driver supports statement caching
You can now cache statements using the driver. Use this feature if youwant to improve driver performance for parsing the same statement multipletimes in the same connection. Make sure that you enable statement cachingonly when required because statement caching requires more memory. For moreinformation, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
Upgrade to OpenSSL 1.1.0h
The driver now uses OpenSSL 1.1.0h for encryption of data.
MEMLIM option available through the user interface
The MEMLIM configuration option, which was available only as a key name, isnow accessible via the Windows user interface for the driver. Use the FetchBuffer Size field to configure MEMLIM through the user interface. For moreinformation, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
1.2.2 ————————————————————————
Released 2018-02-28
Enhancements & New Features
Support for the Basic Light Oracle Instant Client
You can now use the Basic Light version of the Oracle Instant Clientpackage. This Basic Light package requires less disk space comparedto the Basic Package.
1.2.1 ————————————————————————
Released 2018-02-09
Install Oracle Odbc Driver
Resolved IssuesThe following issues were resolved in Simba Oracle ODBC Driver 1.2.1.
Under some circumstances the driver calls deprecated OCI functions.
During installation the system message “Error creating temporary swapfile name” may appear.
When you link data to your data source in Microsoft Access, an error mayoccur, displaying an error message such as “Reserved error (-7745); thereis no message for this error.”
Odbc Driver For Oracle
1.2.0 ————————————————————————
Released 2017-12-12
Resolved IssuesThe following issue was resolved in Simba Oracle ODBC Driver 1.2.0.
- In some cases, the registry entries or error logs generated by the drivermay contain some sensitive information.