6.3 Keygen Qnx

6.3 Keygen Qnx

In this thread I will try to do my best and explain how to create CIC script from the first step to the last.
I know many of you may already know how to do that, but I decided I will post this thread for anyone wants to know from where to start.6.3 Keygen Qnx

Astrogeddon. M1 garand reload mid clip. 6 3 Keygen Qnx Neutrino Posted on admin Depending on whether it's Clipmate 7 5 26 keygen download. 6.2, 6.3 or 6.4 you will actually go about it in a different manner. 6.2 has 'Installer' or 'Install Software from QNX' in Photon, a GUI program that lets you download and install it kind of like Fedora's Pup, YaST or the likes. QNX® LICENSE GUIDE Version 2.18 Includes: QNX Software Development Platform v6.6.0 QNX SDK for Apps and Media v1.0 QNX CARTM Platform for Infotainment v2.1 QNX Acoustics Products.

let's start
1- Install QNX
For installing QNX both QNX Software Development Platform and QNX Neutrino RTOS (VMWare), you can follow this thread 'Setting up development environment' thanks to 'Deadknight'. I want to add only one different step about license/key, I used a KeyGen for QNX found it here (download) so in this case you don't need to have windows 7 as developer platform you can install QNX Development Platform on your machine no need for another VM.
Please Note: you can use the same KeyGen for 'QNX Software Development Platform' and 'QNX Neutrino RTOS (VMWare)' it works for both 6.3.0 and 6.3.2 (tried on both).
2- Write a script
I will not go in detail how to use QNX Development Platform, you will find this information by yourself (use Dr. Google)

I have created an example it will help us to continue with the rest of the thread. This example (script) will read 1B from your CIC 'I know this script is already online on some other sites, but I have done my own script to do the same work'.
Script code:
This script will read generalPersistencyData_DiagnosticSWTController from your CIC and do a copy of it on USB driver and then read that copy and try to extract 1B.
Please read all comment in the code it will help you to undrestand how the script is working, and if you have any question just leave a post on the thread and I will try my best to answer it
after you are done from writing the script and test it on you machine it is time to move to the next step.
3- Prepare the script for CIC
I want to use here one file script method (it means I will put only one script on the USB driver it will content the shell command to run the script and the script it self), you need to follow the following steps:
A) Convert script binary file to octet data. To do that I have create a same application will help you to do this conversion, both the application and the source code (C#) are in the attachment.
to run the application you need to use the following command

After running the command you will end up with a file content all your script as Oct, the file will look like this (it maybe a big file depends on you script size)
Please Note: the file will be only one line don't change it.
6.3B) Create the shell script
Now it is time to create our auto run shell script which we will run it on CIC, to do that create a file and name it as copie_scr.sh you can't name it what ever you want (only copie_scr.sh). Then write the following in copie_scr.sh
Replace '01770105....014300' with your script octet output (from BinToOct)
/tmp/Get1b --> the path for your script on CIC (I prefer to put it in tmp folder)
KeygenNOTE: Use any text editor support Unix end line (LF) don't use any other editor
C) Encrypt the shell script
The last step will be to encrypt the shell script so CIC will be able to read it, and for that I have created another application (Note: it is not my code, search online and you will find it ), again both the application and the source code (C++) in the attachment
to run the application use the following command:

After all copy the out file from EncDecSH to a USB driver (format: fat) and inserted in your CIC USB slot, wait around 1 min and put usb back in your computer you will be able to see the 1B.hex file and also a copy of your generalPersistencyData_DiagnosticSWTController.
At the end I hope every thing is clear, and sorry for my bad English

6.3 Keygen Qnx Software

If you have any question please ask.

6.3 Keygen Qnx Mac